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RACHEM ISHANA - deceased
APSB 50797

Owner/Stud:  Rachem Stud (Rachel Young and Emily Thompson)


Breeder:  Rachem Stud


Location:  Rachem Stud, Meredith Victoria


Country of origin:  Australia


Sire:  Myklejon (Imp) APSB 16516


Dam:  Palana Trina APSB 35177


Sire of Dam:  Lexon (Imp) APSB 8343


Sire of Sire:  Mykletind 2553 F


Date of birth: 16 November 2012


Height (at date of measure): 14.1 and a bit hh


Colour: Brown Dun


Colour genetics (if known):  Not applicable


Breeding status:  Ishana has had a filly foal (Rachem Nevaeh), in the 2017 foaling season.


Performance record/work level: Ishana was started under saddle as a five year old. She has attended a Natural Horsemanship Fun Day where she outshone a lot of the more experienced horses.

Ishana has won many Champions and Supremes shown in-hand. As yet she is unshown under saddle.

Ishana web.jpg

"Ishana" at the Vic. APSB Sud Show 2019

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