Fjord Promotional Group of Australia
APSB 51777
Owner: Palana Stud Fjord Horses (Kerrie Prescott)
Breeder: Palana Stud Fjord Horses (Kerrie Prescott)
Location: Emita, Flinders Island, Tasmania
Country of origin: Australia
Sire: Palana Tyson APSB 10071
Dam: Jemima APSB 6
Sire of Dam: Naustdal (Imp) APSB 8341 (dec)
Sire of Sire: Lexon APSB 8343 (dec)
Date of birth: 22 March 2013
Height (at date of measure): 13.3 hands
Colour: Brown dun
Colour genetics: Not applicable
Breeding status: Brood mare
Performance record / work level: See below
Licenses: (Breeding license from overseas, EA competition license etc): Not applicable
As Jemima’s last foal, Isabella has inherited the calm and willing temperament, good bone and beautiful looks of her grandparents, Naustdal and Friska. Unfortunately, shortly after birth, she contracted Infective Arthritis (joint ill) and as a result, has a damaged near hip joint. This does not stop her from walking, trotting and cantering and she has adapted well to having one slightly shorter hind leg. Isabella has undertaken groundwork, lungeing and Straightness Training. However, we would not ask her to carry the weight of a rider or pull a load in harness.
Because of her excellent bloodlines and temperament, Isabella will be used as a brood mare with imported frozen semen (Orkan Skova from Denmark) and it is expected that her progeny will be as athletic as her siblings and mother have been.